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the Darwin awards

Published on 14 Apr 2024 / In Other

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Yeah that SUV with the hard reverse turn and the idiots standing up in the seats and out the windows... as it rolls over totally... Crunch, crunch, crunch go all their bones....

I think that was a car full of stupid women - woman driver and women passengers....

I mean seriously - you would have to be a brainless cunt to roll a car at 30 or 40 Kmh tops in a flat car park...

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sauger1001 3 months ago

7:16. Now THAT'S a security guard whose taking NO sh!t from anyone.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

2:37. Cow: "You know here in India, I'm considered a god, right?"
Then knocks his 'oppressor' into the "next life". SMH.

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Councilof1 3 months ago

One of the craziest Darwin Awards I've ever heard of happened at Niagara Falls. Some Asian woman went past the barrier and opened up an umbrella for a picture by the falls and a gust of wind swept her into the falls like Mary Poppins. I bet that was a terrifying experience while it lasted.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

Cameras and umbrellas, possibly the Asian femons' kryptonite?

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Councilof1 3 months ago

@sauger1001: Blew my mind when I heard that. Those barriers are there for a reason. Just like the barrier's at the Grand canyon.

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pathologicalimbicile 3 months ago

music: Fear Cult

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