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The Annihilation of Hammerhand, The Politics of Isms and a Final Rejection of the MGTOW Manifesto

Published on 23 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

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saaralgris 3 months ago

I can't say that I disagree. Once I truly understood how he *really* felt about black folk, he lost all support from me. There's already too much overt racism and bigotry within the manosphere, and for someone who runs around espousing noble principles of life, it's actually quite sad that he is unable to separate the individual from group behavior.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

Hammerhand seemed like someone going through the divorce child support problems that many go through, when I first saw him on yt, .. Having had experience myself with the subject I gave my opinions on the matter.. It became obvious to me that hh wants to control people and get money from them.. using pressure tactics.. I could not trust or believe the comments coming my way on hh page.. as being authentic.. but more like button pushing to eventually get the money being sought. I mean when comments are completely off the realm of my perspective, I don't waste my time.. its BULLSHIT! manipulation tactics.. to fleece men who really may be going through the most serious shit of their lifetime.. GRIFTER certainly describes what I think of hh.. but he is other things than that also.. cheap entertainment.. TOTAL ASS HOLE considering the seriousness of the subject matter he is using as a vehicle to get money from people.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

You know, people will give money to themselves under assumed names,, identities.,, to get the ball rolling.. A friend of mine was frequenting a woman's site where she discussed criminal cases ,claiming to be clairvoyant.. lol.. she'd wrack up a couple hundred dollars easily in no time at all.. and you could see she innocently hoisting her breasts out.. lol.. the you tube circus show.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

So hey everybody lets all give hh as much money as possible . make him rich or enable him to run for political office. .hey perhaps that is the way things work.. I gave 300 to ron paul when he ran for president just to see him drop out shortly after.. lol..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

but Ron Paul was a voice being heard.. about the money thing.. so that is why my money went that direction.. FIX THE MONEY! and borders also. country overall.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

I gave Ron Paul tat 300 bucks to fix the money cheat in our country that has been used to build wallstreet.. I did it for me and every other regular American out there.. for the future of my country.,.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

so hh uses the divorcechild support screw we must endure presently to get people to give him money.. in the hopes that it will be fixed.. but the real fix is a functional country to raise a family in.. a functional money system..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

Wallstreet is a union for rich people.. they pool their money to overpower everyone else..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

What will hh do for you? agree with you and take your money?

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Blackpilltruth 3 months ago

@jim bennett: He isn't paying child support he stopped paying a long time ago.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

@Blackpilltruth: I've known hh for years.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Wow... good video. I do recall seeing you on YT, but sadly I was much busier and may not have listened to you. I agree with what you said except on one account. Men don't owe anything to anybody. Men owe it to themselves to fix themselves or die trying. Did you like using Amazon or was it a hassle? As a writer, I am concerned with theft of my ideas and novels... too many grifters and swindlers out there,,, I am planning on a self publishing route for myself...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Yeah, I used to follow some of those "collective" philosophies until I formally studied philosophy, that fuck just woke up... my mind is waiting for the caffeine to kick in...Universalism maybe? Anyway, as a sailor I lived by it until I realized that if the greater good required you to kill an innocent man to stave off a riot, I walked away first from philosophy and then bitches, I didn't like how they were thinking back in 90s and 2000s, and now our soyciety as a whole.

Damn.. If Hammerhands is a Tradcuck... how did he become so popular? Sounds like he was an MRA relic?! If you or a group of MGTOW brothers figured out "MGTOW Monk" is a fake... thanks bro. I am not the best content producer... my methods of making videos have become compromised by Windows "updates" trying to force us to use Windows 11, but I am learning Linux and open source programs to make better videos. I spent my time setting men free from the plantation in real life not online though for a while I was sending men to TFM and Sandman...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Damn... you kind of making me feel guilty!? I was here in 2014 or 2015 after finding Sandman from Girl Writes What Karen Straughn CAFE appearance. All I wanted to do was market to Comics Gaters and MGTOW as an audience pushing thought provoking theories with receipt, ie artifacts, and creativity I have not seen since George Lucas created Star Wars... Unfortunately, computer failures, job displacement and even my belief of industry wide black balling against me kept me from publishing or keeping a stable job with stable hours so I can finish my compositions and projects. Hopefully, these net two years will become prolific for me.

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