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TFM says 1 million men of the same financial status donating $100 to a cause controlled by them is a pyramid scheme.

Published on 19 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

TFM says 1 million men of the same financial status donating $100 to a cause controlled by them is a pyramid scheme that makes people at the top rich. I didnt know that a plan for 1 million men to only donate $100 per month by default had a heirachal structure so he simply means anyone that the group chooses to lead within the group are corrupt and will run with the money, anyone they choose, and yet he feigns hope in america in society that if the regime falls itll be smooth sailing back to good times without no collective effort from anyone.

Turd flinging monkey believes that i dont have enough money to buy land myself and that it is why i suggested 1 million men donate $100 to a cause that is managed by a group of men within the donators that all 1 million vote on. He then went on to say that it is a pyrmaid scheme that you would only be making the men at the top rich which we can assume would be the organizers, maybe they would, on the first month you would know because theyd run off with the $100 million and yoy each woukd be out $100 measley dollars for trying something to change your lives to avoid violent catastrphe, hes also assuming no contracts are made ensuring that the funds are used for this purpose, making it impossible for people that the group elected from running off with the money. Tfm is a coward and will not go to singapore. Tfm is a coward he wont go to alaska. Tfm is a coward he wont move to florida. Tfm will stay in california until it all comes crashing down, if it does.

I will be unveiling a new innovation that gives the people more power or the government more power. The government is made up of people that have families, who may be suffering in this economy. Giving the Government more power which would be most often used in the form of hired help, police, swat, FBI, Cia, irs, national guard, Airforce, state trooper's, sheriffs, all of these Forces we can assume would act in case of legitimate tyranny, but with so many people suffering there still seems to be at least, for those people, no reason to act unless acted upon. They are not acting in the best interest of their nations people, which means they must be doing very well, and their families must be Aswell or they are not, and they simply have no room in their lives to care about them. If they have no room in their lives to care about their own suffering family members, then they most certainly don't care about yours. All could be well in their circles, or they could be obnoxiously altruistic, cannot know for certain. The best way i figure to go about it is by unvieling it when they reveal how they will act against those who may have plans to revolt, if ever, as soon as you do and they make it clear they will choose to go against you and attempt to crush your rebellion or whatever you incels want to call it, i will unveil the technology for them to mass produce for their forces against you, unless you do my plan, but we both know thats not going to happen.

He didnt even critically think for a second he went straight to pyramid scheme he is a spiritual boomer stuck in his ways just like the ones he shits on hoping they die by being smothered with a pillow like a sick bastard.

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buddd 26 days ago

if you ever needed a very smart and physically fit employee I'd be willing to help you man.

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HennessyVenom 26 days ago

You’ll benefit from the plan as long as you dont join the morons Tfm thinks is going overthrow the government and bring back patriarchy wether that be from native citizens or not, benefit as in you’ll still be alive or free. The 1 million plan is something I offered as a large scale solution any group of like minded individuals could use it wasn’t about me although I wouldn’t be against trying the purpose is to simple get one group started doesn’t matter who it could even be 1 million feminist women for all I care or 1 million trannies they will be an example for others to replicate

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buddd 26 days ago

@HennessyVenom: we don't need to overthrow the gov, it will happen on it's own. In the meantime, if we build a community, even a small one that would be awesome. Something important is that the more ahead we get in tis plan BEFORE all out SHTF/collapse the better off we will be in the long run. I have lots of survival skills so yeah

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HennessyVenom 26 days ago

@buddd: well if you want to try and stair step this plan the easiest way is just to re upload the idea it must be a large amount of people and it doesn’t have to be us first it can be anyone and we’d want someone else to try first anyways because say we influence somehow down the line these 1 million people to do it we will see how the government reacts to them first before we did it, if we do.

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HennessyVenom 26 days ago

@buddd: the group would provide jobs and economic energy to the state they started in and others if they expanded so they win too I though maybe Florida or Texas but it’s really up to the group you find because unlike how Tfm called it a pyramid um no it’s actually a democracy and everyone is donating to a pool that not one or a group of individuals control so no, no one “at the top” is getting rich no one is at the fucking top tfm is just a retard.

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