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Studies Used to Push Diversity Turn out to be BOGUS!

Published on 12 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation
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SteveOUK 3 months ago

Yeah, non-reproducibility is a problem because it makes the effort to produce the result an anecdote or case study instead of a general trend or tendency. If something happened one time under very specific conditions (see: Rodney King) it can't be used as a template for a larger issue. Another term to include is the "nadir fallacy", which means taking only the lowest or worst examples of a given thing and assigning that identity to the whole of it: i.e. "all men are rapists and that's all they are" of feminist ideology.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

I say we do what Lame Stream comics and movie executives told us... "Build your own (companies)" and add your "gatekeep better" advice to it...

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SteveOUK 3 months ago

Way ahead of ya! Started that in the 90s and am now borderline independently wealthy.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Journalists are special... apparently they have to be retarded these days...probably requiring them to sniff white out before employment... amoung other "white" substances...

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