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Published on 16 Apr 2024 / In Music

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY LOL XD, its a k pop song, its not the full video XD

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Hmmm. Interesting. Are they all Asians? I had to stop the video was loading slowly... might have been my VPN. I mean they're skinny dancers and definitely fuckable even with smaller titties it appears... It used to be chicks with smaller tits fucked harder to keep you around...

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I like the shortish one with her hair up in a pony tail..... the video quality is so low, that I can't see what her face is like and her arse is a little bit flat and a little bit skinny... Yeah she is the best looking one.... but she has a nasty looking streak about her a mile long... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S20kWblsT4Y and her in the starter image here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjX4-ksOFks

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The dance routine is crap, they are just crummy strippers.. And who ever is running the group - is incompetent and an arsehole..

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Would have been good, but the bending over and rubbing their arse cheeks....

Really great sexy stuff is best done with all their clothes on and not trying to be overtly slutty.....

Being happy, interesting people doing interesting things....

90% of the way towards a strip tease, and about to shoot ping pong balls out of their cunts, is not erotic...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

uhm... maybe they're into anal... just a saying... you can do a lot of anal positions where you don't have to look at them or what appears to be smaller titties... hopefully real titties... just saying.

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