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Something Doesn't Ring True About This News Item

Published on 11 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation
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mrghoster 5 months ago

The result of the Evils of BOX WINE I think. How did this moron even get pregnant, the father must have been even more MORONIC that her?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 months ago

Or very pissed

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bigintol03 6 months ago

"It's an evil word we live in"!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 6 months ago

shor is.. and no unity due to money greed and immigration.. TRUST goees to functional fire power..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 6 months ago

welfare for blacks.. to welfare for hispanic foreigner kids.. who will keep our kids wage down.. its class warfare.. under the guise of bullshit. why would we pay for foreigners to have klids while they are here working cheap for the rich people??????

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bigintol03 6 months ago

@jim bennett: Amen brother!

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sauger1001 6 months ago

Wonder if she got the kid in a "family court" case. Many of those judges/magistrates are TRULY psychotic in their presiding of such cases, usually favoring the femon, regardless of her mental acuity.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

As my Marine Drill Instructors used to say: "Excuses are just like a'holes; everybody has one."
A play on "Dirty Harry's" quote substituting the word 'Opinions', with 'Excuses'.

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AwfulDIGGER 6 months ago


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