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Single Women On TikTok Methods Of COPING With Loneliness Tiktoks

Published on 11 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment

In this TikTok commentary reaction video: Single Women On TikTok Methods Of COPING With Loneliness Tiktoks. Women describe what it's to be them.
ReplicantPhish, modern dating and dating advice.

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It's OK - just have another family pizza - and everything will be all right.

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

the other girl that thinks that men are not good providers because they have 'mommy issues " should consider that 75% of all boys in america have no father to teach them to be men and be good providers . they have a single mom because the single mom wanted it that way. so if that delusional bitch wants to blame someone because she finds all men to be somehow inadequate , she needs to blame the real problem . the women in the west are just having kids without a husband . they have destroyed the american family . also they are the reason that men just will not approach them any more . i guess that the "liberated woman " is truly going to be "free" for her entire life . the ones that really suffer are the boys .

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Mother was a sodomite. An obsessive, compulsive sodomite. It's all her fault. If she had of spent her time being a good parent instead of getting the shit fucked out of her, their kids would not have been fucking disasters.

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

this second to the last girl with the clown lips is just projecting what SHE does in a relationship. in 10 years when she has no men to use she will still be blaming men for the things that SHE does .

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

also most of the problems in the world are caused when women make impossible demands on men and men try to satisfy their ridiculous demands. Drizzle Drizzle !

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

more like if the women acted right the men would not hesitate to buy a house and rehab the kitchen . altho i doubt that anyone ever told her to " go to the kitchen". more likely they told her to go to the door and don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out. i think that this bitch should buy her own house and rehab her own kitchen . i see a lot of cats and box wine in her future .

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