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Signs You Might Be A Woman

Published on 29 Feb 2024 / In Comedy

Are you a woman? It's hard to tell these days. Watch our well-researched video to find out whether you are indeed a woman.

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usr6874038614 5 months ago

point 7 : "you can't decide what you want to eat" : correction : you can't decide on what you want in general.
point 10 : "you say you're 'Fine' when you're not" : besides lying about other things, like paternity, struggle snuggle and body count...

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Michael_Alexandroff 5 months ago

A good indicator that you're a man is that you idolize great men, such as Alexander the Great, George Washington, Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein, etc., etc.... A good indicator that you're a woman is that you idolize Barbie.

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