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She`s Burning Everything - MGTOW

Published on 25 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Invictus Rex
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Shaka the author of the book called: Invictus Rex and here's what he has tos say: "Hi Sandman, Can you please review my book. My book is about a character named Bill Steele and he takes you inside an underworld of evil, lust, and violence as he investigates an international mass murder who is executing a string of high ranking politicians across the world. Bill’s investigation leads him to a teenager living in the ghettos of Detroit where he uncovers the blasphemous truth about the future of humanity. I know that your audience is tired of long-winded, woman oriented entertainment that depicts men as weak. My book is the opposite. Invictus Rex is first in a series of psychological thrillers written for men who don't give a damn about backlash from modern culture. Find it at amazon. Well Shaka thanks of the donation and topic. But before I review your book let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. So the book Invictus Rex begins with us seeing a Muslim woman Fatima in a Burqa being beaten with a cain in Nigeria for being alone in the presence of a man. Bill Steele, the man we assume is the hero in this book is watching this from his hotel room. The woman is killed and another one that's going to be punished in her virginal veil makes her way to his hotel room in a desperate escape. Her name is Tamara and she is 14 years old. She is going to be whipped to death because a man raped her. Bill Steele plays the part of the white knight by rescuing her when she enters the hotel he's staying at. Or so we are led to believe. Then switching gears we move to Detroit where most of the book takes place and we are introduced to the character of Jim Bradley. He's being raised by his mother and she's a smoker, drinker and does drugs. He also has a sister named November. Jim's mother is supportive of November but she's seemingly not supportive of Jim and tell him not to pick on his sister even though he asked her nicely for a ride to school for the first day. She could have dropped him a block or two away as to no embarrass herself. But she doesn't and so he has no ride to school in run down Detroit. So he walks to school and gets on a Bus along the way and sees a kid picked on by another kid named Dijon. DiJon grabs his hair and yanks him out of his seat. Then
Dijon picks on another kid named Lewis and Jim tells him to knock it off. They are about to get into a fight when Lewis the new kid quietly gets up and yanks Dijon's hair and breaks his two front teeth and blood starts gushing everywhere. After that Jim and Lewis and the bus full of kids finally make their way to Barrack Obama High School.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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