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She Has A MELTDOWN She Has To Work Like The Rest Of Us!

Published on 29 Feb 2024 / In Entertainment

This girl does NOT like capitalists… Comment your thoughts and SHARE this video with your friends. Follow for daily reactions to viral videos and top news stories.

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usr6874038614 5 months ago

Under which rock has she been living? Men know this already for 2 centuries. Oh, I see, she just got the same rights as men, so she didn't know yet. Wake up honey, you're a couple hundred years late to the discussion. Being a man is suddenly not such a privilege, is it?
Ask any woman what would be better than capitalism, and you always end up with communism in the end. Because most women need other people's money. But instead of earning it by being a good wife for a husband, they now prefer the government to grab it for them without any effort from their side. How lazy can you get?

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

P.S. , the communist countries always do the same thing except that the pay is one hell of a lot less . the medical benefits are the medicine of 1930 something . the consumer goods are inferior and a lot fewer . oh and i almost forgot . ask anyone from a former soviet country about standing in line for hours for toilet paper . please , of you do not like it here just move to a former soviet country and enjoy the "workers paradise " economy that is still trying to recover from 70+ years of a marxist economy and "culture :.

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

i have a news flash for that vapid bitch. BOTH political parties want you working until you are 70 . there are an amazing number of democrats that are billionaires and employ millions of people all over America . they could care less what you think of them as long as you keep on working ! the difference is that they change the laws and then blame the republicans for it . WAKE THE $UCK UP !

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SolidSnake33 5 months ago

@Councilof1 She doesn't care about your information you've presented, she doesn't care about any case you think you've made to her; she's an emotional tyrant who doesn't consider anything other than what benefits her and her feelings. TWRA.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

Hey lady the Marxists are worse.

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sauger1001 5 months ago

So are the (((Marxists))). Lol!

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