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She Can't Find a 6'4 Chad! #shorts

Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In Entertainment
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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

I don't understand why? She's youthful, has nice small titties, and a cute smile?! I remember TFM used to go apeshit when a guest replied, "Well, she had nice titties..." Being only 6 feet and a "nerd," when I was active duty Navy in No-Fuck Virginia (ie Norfolk with its highest in the world concentration of me,) I didn't bother going after chicks with nice (big) titties-- you're just touching other sailors' semen: I used the small but big enough to grab or hold titties girls... a lot of broken hearted Lesbians in that crowd: We;;, at least they knew how to use their tongues... and resisted getting pregnant!

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Councilof1 8 months ago

She's behind the curve. Seven feet tall is the new six feet tall.

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Fuck - what a conceited, retarded shit she is....

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I hope she dies drunk, stoned, and alone, and her cats eat her face off.....

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 months ago

Yea all she means is she doesn't have a regular boyfriend as guys don't hang around that long as no future in her, just a pump an dump

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