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She's 40 And Single & It's All MENS Fault

Published on 28 Feb 2024 / In Entertainment

Will she ever find a man that meets her standards? Comment your thoughts and SHARE this video with your friends. Follow for daily reactions to viral videos and top news stories.

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saaralgris 5 months ago

Keep in mind that's the same oldie who had a matchmaker/female dating coach (lol) tell her that she's too abrasive and untenable. She really will be alone for the rest of her life, no top tier dude will sign up for a stubborn combative harpy who looks ten years older than her age. They'll never understand that men don't give a flying fuck about "the life they've built for themselves".

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Councilof1 5 months ago

Well allow me to play the saddest song on the smallest violin for her. If she's happy why is she going on about men on TikTok? A program designed for pre-teens lmfao. Oh wait TikTok is equal to her IQ.

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Mr_Sluggo 5 months ago

The ones who are on social media telling us how good their life is are the most miserable souls. Living a complete lie.

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

the only reason that she could build herself " an amazing life" is because a lot of men helped her do it . women definitely DO NOT have it harder than men . they know how to take advantage of them.

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James1225 5 months ago

kuuuuunnntttt. Lol

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