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Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In Other

Not just the body but sacraficing their innocence and gender.

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Longshanks 5 months ago

I like how the sheboon witchdoctor bitch put his honor out there with "When was the first time you said I WAS RAPED." I might even had enjoyed the dick, but I'd shoot the bitch for that.

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

Epstein island, bohemian grove, still happening today

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Being of the Occult myself, baptized in death trice, I sense their evil, their darkness... I believe there was a reason I was allowed back, much more than being "a favorite," ancient concept... I tried three times to live the life I thought the "gods" needed me to live, but I was humbled twice by God of Israel and in so, was "protected" I think is the best word.

For a long time, I was angry that certain plans or life goals were not met or accomplished by me, but during the Plandemic and its Lockdown, I realized I would not likely had made it out unvaxxed if my "life" did not turn out as it had... The Lord our God of Israel definitely has wisdom and inner knowledge of us: He built and "programmed" us: I say programmed because God of Israel or "Nature" is not wasteful. There is a growing sentiment that some our our "junk DNA," which does not code for proteins mRNA transcripts or other RNA "machines," but "programming," ie our basic instincts. And perhaps more... If you've seen the Underworld movies, there's this concept of the blood containing "memories" of progenitors or forefathers, even the werewolves have it. I think this may be true for "bloodlines" or dynasties, not necessarily nobility or royalty.

We know all men are fathered by one bloodline through the Y chromosome to an African man (Y-Chromosome Adam) living on the coast facing India and its ocean and that Mitochondrial Eve existed, I don't know for sure if she was ape or human, but we traced to her, also from Africa... Riddle me this, not too far from Y- Adam was the Calender of Adam in South Africa and circular patterns, some believed to be "gold" mines throu sound which liquefied the gold.. today poachers use mercury to dissolve gold and then boil off the mercury leaving the gold behind... I saw documentaries film I ng this in South African forests. The Babylonian ancient scripts describe Anonauki, "Those From Heavens Above," descending to earth to mine gold to create a gold cloud to protect their home planet, past Pluto "Planet X" is our term for it, in Africa, much like Solomon's mines... the movie Congo explores this possibility. So, who's to say until we find more artifacts or hidden Occult scripts being protected and housed by the Rich Elite Occult Saranists...Funny thing, the "Anonauki," "Sons of God," "daughters of man," giants, and some others are mentioned by every ancient society back in the 4th Millennium BC, including India at the Indus Valley going back to 10th or 9th Millennia BC with signs or evidence of civilization at the Indus Valley-- not to mention the ancient Silk Road of China... Africa is the vast unknown even today: It holds more secrets, perhaps some buried in the Sahara such as Atlantis with Titan King Atlas and his island of two fresh water springs one cold and on hot surrounded by rings of land and sea in Antiquity... Visiting Atlantis outlines this. I strongly believe with some evidence Plato's Solon in his dialogues confused Santorini's eruption, which caused the Exodus and the Atlantis on the Spanish coast just past Straits of Gibraltar with the island of King Atlas' Atlantis...

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

interesting narrative, so your father did some sacrifice with you for monez?

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@Lucifer333: No. Having died made me a member of the Occult because I become aware of things..

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: so you are like Jesus, you came back from the dead? so how was the afterlife?

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@Lucifer333: Depends where you go... My first or second time, my strongest memory of it, was going through the pitch black darkness completely alone but surrounded by "loved" and after heading to a the light at the end of the tunnel, I was surrounded my women and met the Goddess, the Israeli God Els' Wife, the Tree of Life Ashereh. I suspect all those women were my bloodline's matriarchs... just saying... I spent a lifetime decoding those memories.

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Children are put through bamboo chippers on little st.James island

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sauger1001 8 months ago

Sound like the Book of Ruth.

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Evil to the core!

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