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Response: Most Men Are Not Romantic | Disney Princess Syndrome Strikes Again | Chapter 1 Breakdown

Published on 29 Feb 2024 / In People & Blogs

Response video to "Decentering men Episode 19 - Most men are not romantic. The question we're asking men is "Do men owe women romance?" Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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mrghoster 5 months ago

Women are the DELUDED Romantic's, but they just don't know how to do it any longer. Just because MEN traditionally made the first move doesn't make them ROMANTIC at all. MEN have logical brains so the fantasy of ROMANCE is not a part of that logic because it is Illogical. Listening to the WHORES on the MGTOW TV vid's I cant see how thwe fuck anyone MALE or fefail would even give romance the time of day unless they are mentally ill or desperate? After spending my whole life being rejected and abused basically by everything in the system, especially women, I found the love of my life eventually in MY own strength's and self awareness. In the UK it's a fucking mess with Islamic extremists getting into UK politics', so the women better understand this for sure Musilim's HATE women and women will be the firsst to be clamped down on so for the WHORES the good times would end if they get power over us. Also expecting MEN to help them out (the women that is) as well asa shaking of a medievel belief we will have enough on our plates to remain free MEN, so fuck women. One good thing would be women will have to cover their ugly, snarling face's in public! lol!

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Romance is from the Roman epics, which involved saving a maiden and marrying her knocking her up uless you died, Romans is was the French called these epics and later novels, which roman novel means "new" roman or epic so... novels today are actually named after Roman epics called roman or chansons (song if sung like Chanson de Roland from the Roman Epic of Hroland.)

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Hey, I like fairy tales, but I am also a writer as a personality... and artist.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Karen Smith... I forgot her name. She wrote Men on Strike...

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sauger1001 5 months ago

Helen Smith. Tucker crapped all over her as she made her points.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Does this bitch not know we're in a a receession/depression?!

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