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Removing the 19th Amendment

Published on 29 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

If women can no longer vote, would they still be given the freedom to choose their sexual partners? I dont think anyone has made that distinction clear yet. I do believe its to be presumed that once the 19th is removed, things will just fall into place simply because of economics. So, if Hailey cant vote, but possiblly can work, but in a limited fashion and can also choose her sexual partner, what has changed? If women show that they only like the top 10% of men, if you made the sexual market even would that not be rape by womens standards? would you not then be liable to be castrated or killed by ben a right wing advocate? Like ben and majority of the human population, the winner decides whats good and whats evil, if i win, i will castrate simps and beta cucks.

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