"Where Are The Men?!" 30+ Yr Old Women Are Getting DESPARATE To Find A Man
Published on 19 Apr 2024 / In
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TheGeckoNinja (Character Artist): https://bit.ly/3oWl0KQ
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You have to know this - your videos are so helpful to so many other men.....
Jesus fuck.... Brain cells popping off an alarming rate..
Homeless Bums the lot of them......
That look of surprise as the idea sinks in......
"When I was 23 I had stacks of men to fuck... and now I am 33.... Ummmmm where are they?"
The fake up gets so much better - they have had 10 - 15 years of daily practice.....
And now because their eggs have died off and their cunts have dried out....
------------ And no one cares. ------------
Thot Translation: Where are all the men that meet my ridiculous standards? Answer: They’re fucking all the 20yr olds.
True... she said it herself... a man is a long term thinker in what he sees in the future... you know what's not in his future? Your wrinkly old ass bitch...