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"when will I be happy!?" THIS Is Why 50% Of Women Will Be Single by 2030

Published on 21 May 2024 / In Entertainment

"when will I be happy!?" THIS Is Why 50% Of Women Will Be Single by 2030, 50% of women will be single & childless

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Stalwart 2 months ago

That crazy lady... I wonder if she uses a large paint brush, or a full-width paint roller to apply her makeup. Or maybe it's a Wagner paint sprayer?

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CobaltSteel 2 months ago

Men don't want to be in a relationship with a strong independant woman (3rd place man). We want a companion, not a competitor. Whamen just can't understand this.

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sauger1001 2 months ago

Wow. $4K just to "scream" in the woods? Talk about wasting money! Make that make sense. Might draw a few bears to your campsite. Isn't that what these waaahmen wanted anyway? Looks like potential bfs confirmed they made the wise move to #Walkaway.

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