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"Love" Is NEVER Unconditional

Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In People & Blogs

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As a follow up to my video about the "ugly Swedish guy" video I want to cover the tragic events that have unfolded in his life, as reported in a video of his. His wife has gone back to her home country after feeling anxiety and depression and they plan on being separated for 1-2 years...after they just have gotten married. There is no free lunch and no relationship is unconditional. Some people really are better off blue.

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

Speaking of Fairy Tales, the True Loves typically leads to death, imprisonment, or more hardships in their original forms... it's almost like they were saying "Stay away from True Love" or love in general... Medieval practical advice.

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

True Love is a fantasy, but good couplings can happen.... just not with modern, sorry postmodern THOTs. There are some Truths in religions, but the majority of them are used to force another's will over others: It's to control the masses.

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