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"if she likes you she will lie to herself" The Greatest Power Men Have Over Modern Women

Published on 06 Dec 2023 / In Entertainment

"if she likes you she will lie to herself" The Greatest Power Men Have Over Modern Women #modernwoman #girlmath #drama

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Stalwart 8 months ago

I'm so glad that last lady said what she said. I've made those observations years ago, and this is the first time I've heard a woman say it.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

And for the black chick at the end, a woman accepting accountability for her vag? WTF? Passport Bros must have knocked some since in that thick skull... maybe it's an act. All women are Academy award winning actresses... just saying, cue the water works... Oh well, she's post wall: Maybe there/s a wealthy enough geriatric man to marry her,

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Lucifer333 8 months ago

Its an act and also proves they know very well whats going on and just play stupid and not knowing how language works to avoid accountability.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

"Always the man's fault." Hmmm, he gave her the ten dick... she's a stalker for life now. Hmmm, get her drunk and fuck her and her backstabbing friend together. Hose them down and move on... maybe, you're create a Lesbian sucking duo...

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