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"HERO" Cop Killed After Eviction Notice was Served

Published on 01 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

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RightSideOfHistory 5 months ago

Two scumbags off this fucking planet for good, you say!? THIS EVICTEE IS A HERO!!!

Once the USD collapses and the current govt dies, Allodial Titles need to come back immediately, along with taking women's rights away (these will at LEAST be POSSIBLE once the current regime dies (and it WILL if the current trajectory continues)).

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James1225 5 months ago

4 years and more they stood by and watched the the demise of the Republic for years they bent the knee for the POC woke, fuck them
all, they are worse than criminals, for they swore an oath to a constitution. They chose
to follow their Marxist masters and emphatically enforced unlawful mandates
and not law. Not a one decent, the so called good let it happen.

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RightSideOfHistory 5 months ago

Cops dropping like flies for a while was one of the ONE good things we got out of the poison-injection mandates.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

I don't trust either police or criminals. I see them as opposite sides of the same coin. They serve the same master.

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Yeah there are the "big picture issues" then there are the individual and local issues, and then there are all the issues that exist in each encounter. Some cops are fairly decent and some are absolute shit bags... but are they traitors to the nation? guilty of mass murder by coercion for the blood clot death shots.... Being more arse lickers obeying unprincipled and unethical orders, without questioning the content of the orders and taking a stand against the bullshit.....

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Councilof1 5 months ago

These order followers need to ask themselves why their master's are so hell bent on creating autonomous attack drone's.

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@Councilof1: Yep...... Did you see the Arsie (arsehole Australian) new little drones for Ukraine - the can be shot out of a 40mm grenade launcher...... Now the idiot nes network in Australia is rn by retards, but apparently these tiny drones can pop a hole through the top of a tank with their tiny shaped charges... OR it might have been a few models that are larger... but in the sense of anti-personel - these things are perfect for killing people... about the same size as a 12 gauge shot gun shell and 2 or 3 times longer... I posted a video about them.. And you can look up more infor about them on the manufacturers website. Australian kamikaze drones tested before getting sent to Ukraine

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@Councilof1: And with humans - there was a "action video" about a company that made anti human microdrones that had like a 0.5 gram shaped charge, that kamikazied into peoples heads and shot a hole through their heads - and they flew in swarms... These things were about the zise of a box of matches.... I forget what it was called....

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Councilof1 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'll have to check it out. The current drone's are bas enough. Just look at the footage out of Ukraine. I watched one where a drone flew into a hatch on some vehicle and blow it sky high.

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@Councilof1: Found it... "drone killbot swarms movie" will upload it. ----- This spins off into here: Sci-Fi Short Film “Slaughterbots” DUST ---

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