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Proof that is really is a Pandemic of the Vaccinated

Published on 14 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

These medical scam artists should be hung by the neck until dead.
All of them.

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LoboBlanco 3 years ago

I like that T shirt.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

As Kevin Trudeau said years ago in his infomercials about corrupt government agencies (particularly the FDA): "It's Always About The Money".

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sauger1001 3 years ago

My father died from colon cancer back in 2000. He told me he was always reluctant to go to doctors for his medical issues. I feel the same way today. When the doctor told him he had colon cancer, and that the doctor could cut the cancer out of his colon, which of course meant taking out most of his colon. My father called my brother to come get him from the hospital. He snuck down from his room to the lobby, where my brother was waiting for him, and took him back to my brother's home, where he eventually died roughly 3 months later. If I'm going to a hospital, I'd rather go there to die, but it would be cheaper to die at home. Why give those clowns another dollar, when I going to die anyway. These liars don't deserve one penny of my hard earned money. If it's my time to go, it's my time to go.

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@sauger1001: One of the things about the diabetes medication insulin, is that it's a relatively simple thing to give yourself a massive overdose - and simply go off into a sleep, then a coma and then die.... I don't want to die, but it's always an option.

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