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Nick Fuentes: “The left does not produce great men.”

Published on 06 Dec 2023 / In News & Politics

Nick Fuentes: (https://t.me/nickjfuentes) “The left does not produce great men.”

Cozy.tv: https://cozy.tv/nick
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Website: https://nicholasjfuentes.com
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Periscope: https://pscp.tv/NickJFuentes
AFPAC: https://afpac.events
America First Foundation: https://americafirstfoundation.org
Cozy TV America First Foundation: http://Cozy.tv/AFF

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CatFoodMillionaire 8 months ago

Bluepillers are NPCs, regardless of stripes. The Reproductive strategy of NPCs is to submmit to the Female Collective/Hive Mind, meaning downloading the same instructions as females.

The lady in the red dress from the Matrix is an agent. Does not matter if she has a beard or not.

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