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Nick Fuentes explains how the Jewish-question is the only true taboo in this country.

Published on 25 Nov 2023 / In News & Politics

Nick explains how the Jewish-question is the only true taboo in this country.

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DellaLinski 8 months ago

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Is he saying I'm above average because I know who Mustache guy is and how WW2 started... we imposed "taxes" on Germany while we forced France and UK to "repay" us back for some warships... and WW1 as well from "supposedly" started over a family rivalry!

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usr6874038614 8 months ago

propaganda is quite effective, and critical thinking is on the decline, especially in the gender that got the right to vote without the responsibilities that come with it.

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usr6874038614 8 months ago

Because that gender votes with their feelings, hence why Mr Hiedler cannot be mentioned anymore. Which serves the international financial elite just fine.

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