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Network Outage Was the Sun - END OF STORY

Published on 26 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation
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KEEPER 5 months ago  

i honestly still don't fucking know what the cause was, everyone has an opinion on this, i guess we have to choose which one makes the most sense at the end of the day, but i bet we will get hacked as well.

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KEEPER 5 months ago

anyway i was asleep during this whole event so it didn't really effect me, however someone was trying to call me and they couldn't reach me while i slept.

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sauger1001 5 months ago

Proves how severely brainwashed we are as a nation. The younger generations will adjust. Those who depend on cellular service for their livelihood the most, will panic the most. Technology has made us the most vulnerable in all aspects of our lives. A lying government won't help. It'll only make them even less trustworthy than they already are.

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KEEPER 5 months ago

if we really did get hit by a solar flair our entire infrastructure would be out, and basically we would be living in the 1800s.

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sbseed 5 months ago

this idiot has no idea how EMP solar flare activity actually works, it shuts down ALL ELECTRONICS, this includes ALL VEHICLES THAT HAVE COMPUTERS IN THEM....
state run climate change nonsense, that is what this will be claimed as i am sure, not to mention this was setup to cause massive panic so they can "protect us" by taking more rights and guns away or trying to...

totally does not work to the complete advantage of the deepstate and globalist elites at all...

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sbseed 5 months ago

horseshit, it was AT&T... specific areas where targeted and they could not attack some cell phone services.
solar flares would cause EMP outages and destroy ALL electronics not JUST cellphones, so fuck off with the bullshit nonsense.

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KEEPER 5 months ago

it didn't just effect AT&T though, it effected google fiber, i use that and it effected many other networks not just the cell services.

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Duugus 5 months ago

@KEEPER: I use T-mobile, no problem. My truck navigation is through Maxar sats. No problem their. It was not a solar flare, it's a false flag.

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KEEPER 5 months ago

@Duugus: i'm not saying it was a solar flair, just that it was effecting other networks besides the cell phone networks.

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Duugus 5 months ago

And of course, it could be a dry run of the Deep State.

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sbseed 5 months ago

totally not done because they where told to shut down in very specific areas... this guy is a shill, bought and paid for by the state.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

I disagree. A solar flare didn't get into my email and delete certain things while leaving everything else intact and keep me out of it for almost a week. Same with my contacts. Deleted certain ones while leaving the rest alone. If so bravo to that solar flare it's absolutely sentient.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

Funny thing that the electrical grid didn't flicker at all. The electric grid isn't hardened against emp. Quite the selective solar flare.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

@Councilof1: I'm disagreeing with the speaker in the vid not you keeper.

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@Councilof1: Since I'm out of the USA didn't have that problem however days before I was getting weird Signals however not emails deleted that being said I would agree with you it's definitely Cyber Virus attack

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Invest in Maps, Radios, Paper, Pens and old school Tech and Hardware. Because if All internet goes down Been Great Knowing you Brothers KEEPER AND COUNCILOF1 been great Knowing ya as won't have any way of contacting yall and helping you or checking if yall are alive and well and same goes for me. Enjoy it while it lasts Godbless yall \G/

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Councilof1 5 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Same brother. Keep safe and watch your back.

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KEEPER 5 months ago

@Councilof1: it's fine, i knew this one might get some responses like this, i just didn't really know anything about it and you guys are giving some damn good arguments against this so thanks for commenting.

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