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Mother and Daughter OnlyFans models (I hate this world)


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Published on 13 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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sauger1001 3 months ago

Sorry. I can't watch any more.

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potato1 3 months ago

Weimar moment

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Should call themselves Elephant and Titanic.

Fat sacks of shit.

AND mother daughter incest is incredibly common.

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I honestly cant watch this... seeing the promo animated give and seeing their idiot grins... and obesity... and the mother and daughter team - that is fucking incest.

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Toki 3 months ago

That is not waifu. Of course she can't spell anyways. Also Africa? It that legitimate cultural appropriation as they call it? Looks like an insane plastic white woman who wants to be black? Why would you want to be a black female? Or act like one? That's the opposite of attractive feminine qualities.
"Who's paying for these two OnlyFools?" Black guys of course. The super simps. They have ruined real women with their cultural influence and music. It's not fun to be around. The whole ghetto culture thing. The fake dyed hair and whore lashes thing. The obesity thing. I want fem anime woman not a masculine female whale.
The funny thing is the tits. I don't know which is worse? The old one with a belly of tits and no fupa pocket bulging out? Or the younger one with a pig fupa belly but the tits aren't fully sagging down yet? I can't decide which bridge troll feature is more disgusting.

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

yeah I stumbled upon it and couldn't believe it, shows female desperation and a warped view of female nature :(

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: I skipped through it and saw a bit on whoring themselves because of the "pandemic" to survive the economy. They economy they created with the welfare state virus. There is no flu virus other than the typical flu that's always destroyed fat people. The own problem they created for themselves. Next they will say it's not their fault they are obese.

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Also the absolute irony that they apparently believe in the "pandemic." But it's OK to prostitute yourself? When there's a Black Plague out there? They really are this stupid. There is no Plague, but they believe there is but are still wiling to risk infection apparently? I'd be more worried abut their stank and STD factories down there. Womb tombs as well. Haunted for sure.

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

@Toki: yes, they are probably pre diabetic at least, this wont last long, once the simps nut enough to them, their fetishes will get worse and they will take their small pp somewhere else, what then? what then will they do looking like that? just do Uber and Instacart bro its not worth it :|

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Uber and Instacart? What is that?

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

@Toki: instacart is a job where you use your car and do grocery shopping for people and get paid for it, you make your own schedule. that's what I'm looking into to make extra income and save and move out of my parents house :|

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

@Toki: Uber is a job where you use your own car and take people to where they need to do, you get paid said day :)

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: I work in an industrial environment. I can't drive around all day like that. Would drive me insane. The whole Uber thing is hilarious to me. They rebranded the name of the pre-existing taxi service to become an Apple iTaxi of taxi services. Also it's German so I'm surprised clowns haven't noticed and complained yet because it's racist or something.

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Honestly that sounds like an awful idea because the of the cost of your vehicle maintenance and fuel will exceed your potential income. Why don't the wealthy business empires provide a work vehicle instead? See how they conned the average worker into paying for their own expenses for the vehicle part?

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

@Toki: well I'd be doing this part time, I already have a fulll time job, but I see what your getting :)

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Wait you already have a full time job and can't afford to move out at all? Just a quick tip to save tons of money per month - ditch the smartphone device. It's garbage, unreliable, and overly expensive. Get a house phone or cheap flipphone. What are you a woman filming yourself? What do you need an Idiotphone for? A desktop PC offers everything better for free. Same with newer gaming consoles.

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

@Toki: rent is about 1700 USD a month, that's rent, not including everything else :| I'm about to own my smartphone, but yeah rent is near 2000 USD where I live, its increasing every 3 months. :|

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Mine is only $500 because I live with a friend. Not by myself. I lucked out really. But how much money did you waste on that phone? My last phone purchase of a pre-paid minute flipphone was $30 out of the box. Plus about $5 to $10 a month for pre-paid minutes because I barely use it. Did you buy a rubber case for your Glassphone also? $50? My flipphone came with a rubber coating standard. I have a desktop PC so I don't need an inferior mobile computer with a shit battery life. Rent is so high because people are willing to pay it. Same with the phones. If people simply refused to pay these prices.. Maybe just live your parents because after all they brought into this economic disaster. Might as well make them pay for their choice to procreate despite being a foolish thing to do for the average tax peasants. Also avoid wasting money on modern games. I hope you don't play something like WoW or Fortnite scamming you for money? I'm playing and modding Rome 1 TW classic for free. I own the disc. That's why everything is so expensive. People need to stop accepting rising prices. Stop buying the phones with contracts, games, etc. Never eat out because it's overpriced. Going back to Uber who can even afford take out anyways? A Senator? Fuck them they can make their own food. I'd rather kill myself than deliver food to them.

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Seriously we have a house phone in 2024. It's like $10 a month lol. I only leave my mancave to go to work really. That's why you're broke and why rent is $1700 a month. Chances are your parents are swimming debt attempting to appease your mother. Mine are in that situation. That's why it's also important to give women nothing. Spend less to get taxed less. The phone for example. Uber supports a female industry of restaurant workers. Boycott it. Or if you can move to another state. Sounds like you are in Cali with those rent prices. I'm in a rural farm state where life is much cheaper.

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Do you have a sub to Amazon Prime video, Funimation, Cruncyroll, or Netflix? PSN or XBOX Live? See where I'm going here? A desktop PC offers all of this for free on the Seven Seas. Taxation is theft so it's a natural response to survive slavery. I'm just trying to help by showing how to cut all silly non-essential expenses for shit products and services. My flipphone screen will not break if the wind shifts 5 mph. My PC won't fail to YLOD or RROD every fucking year as they are programmed to do so. Ranting but I'm trying to save our exploitative economy where all the wealth goes to shitty business overlords who don't deserve it. You deserve a comfortable life for going to real jobs. Respect.

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TheRedKnight 3 months ago

@Toki: I don't have any subs, I have an old PC from about 8yrs ago, own it, built it even. I'm about to own my car this year in 6 months, I'm about to own my stuff anyway, I just want to save up as most as I can and be happy and content. I found rent for 650 a month, studio apartment meant for 1 person. So that's what I'm aiming for.

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Toki 3 months ago

@TheRedKnight: That's another one. I bought my used car about 12 years ago for $4000 cash. Because I don't spend money I save it. No interest payments. I only did the interest payment scam on my very first vehicle. I've only had 3 vehicles my whole life and in my 40's. I don't care about material things. I have a mancave and PC. That's all that matters. I also weigh 100 pounds because I don't eat. Who has time to eat when I need to conquer the world as Romans in video game which costs me nothing in real life?

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sauger1001 3 months ago

@Toki: One excuse is as good as any other, to a femon (SoloMan).

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Toki 3 months ago

@sauger1001: Bro keeps making excuses for why he is broke. Such as he has to own a smartphone. "He's almost paid it off." That's female mindset customer right there. As a man I simply boycott their absurd pricing for a woman's phone. Amazes me how men today are basically female consumers. A loan for a car? Yeah right. Just buy a cheap used car. They aren't worth shit anyways.

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