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More Boomer-Simp SLANDER Against Young Men

Published on 03 Dec 2023 / In Comedy
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Jaygo 8 months ago

I swear this POS Boomer is boiling my blood

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Jaygo 8 months ago

Boomers completely destroyed Everything. From the Economy to the Nuclear family. The Boomer male was truly the 1st generation of Happy Life Happy wife, Women worshiping Simps. And the Boomer women were the 1st generation of Masculine women competing with men and trying to be men instead of supporting their men,. Their generation as a whole has by far be the worse generation him American History. They're greedy, selfish and have an insatiable appetite, which caused the deterioration and eventual destruction of America. It's like they've infected America with terminal cancer and we are now living through the end stages of it.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Boomers sold us out for booze and cooked in the 70s and 80s, that we begin to realize, we were fucked in the 90s... Then, cunts had to destroy our Free Speech and innovativity because they couldn't. Then post modern feminist cunts whined about there was nothing new to create because all the stories been written and all the art was copying art...They were just stupid, talentless, and lying hacks.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

I wanted to do it on my own: I did, but then, the bitches betrayed us making shit up. I served twice in the military to "make it on my own." I wished I listened to myself when I was hestitate to get student loans...

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Ruxsack 8 months ago

It's going to be a pleasure to piss on Boomer's graves.
They should be hung, but it's nice knowing that most of them will at least have a miserable death from some kind of organ failure.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

I don't care anymore: I hope most of the useless Boomers took the vaxx er clotshot so I don't have to listen to them. They greatest IQ test ever, and they failed it...

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