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Moor Insights & Strategy Insider Podcast at CES 2023 with Dr. Seshu Madhavapeddy, Frore Systems

Published on 23 Jan 2023 / In Science & Technology

Moor Insights & Strategy Chief Analyst, Founder, and CEO Patrick Moorhead is joined at CES 2023 by Dr. Seshu Madhavapeddy, Founder and CEO of Frore Systems. Their conversation covers:

* How Frore Systems approached cracking the code on efficiently removing heat from compute platforms

* The AirJet — an active cooling chip (not a traditional fan) that uses air to remove heat, providing a revolutionary and sophisticated thermal solution for the compute platform.

* The company’s vision for the thermal solution in a compute platform: If you want more performance and more thermal envelope for your device, just add more AirJet chips.

* The Opal Camera, a high-performance, DSLR-quality 4K webcam that is significantly reducing its physical footprint by using the AirJet chip instead of a traditional fan to cool the device

#FroreSystems, #AirJet, #thermalsolution, #compute, #devicecooling, #moorinsightsandstrategy, #moorinsights, #patrickmoorhead

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

this actually might be worth investing in, i can see this tech revolutionizing the market of anything that uses a computer for functionality.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

I can't stand curries...

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KEEPER 2 years ago

Lol, I know. But if this turns out to be credible technology, it actually might be worth investing in, because I could see it revolutionize the industry of computers or anything that happens to have some kind of computing in it including cell phones, it could probably help cool off a battery when it gets too hot regulating that kind of temperature variance could also prevent other issues, like our conversation last night when I had to do with electric vehicles, but I guess that depends on how effective this technology is. But I would love to have something like this for my pc, I mean fans is all we've been using for decades, and they work, it's just a pain in the ass.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

Just an experiment here, but this is the 720p version of this video, can you actually view it with your account? https://cdn.mgtow.tv/upload/vi....deos/2023/01/gmnxsou

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: I don't even know what they talked about. As soon as the tandoori opened his filthy mouth, I stopped the video. I'm not getting rid of my polar bear killer anytime soon. Air is everywhere and is free.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: o can. Don't know the resolution, but I can.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I'll try to summarize what he talked about, so his company has created a chip that creates cool air, and if you were to put it on or near your CPU or even your gpu, it would keep the CPU and GPU cool without using a fan, and as a byproduct this would make it so dust is less of an issue within your PC, you still have dust obviously there still needs to be some ventilation, but your PC will be dead silent when it's in operation even if you're using a high intense game rig setup, but I believe this technology could also go into other things such as keeping batteries cool inside electric vehicles so they don't spontaneously combust if you get my meaning.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

I believe it contains no moving parts, and it could extend the life of your PC and the other Hardware in your PC.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: I have a bridge in Orlando I want to sell you.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I don't understand? A bridge?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: Have you seen any of the latest Amr videos?

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I have not, anything significant or is it the same old crap?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: Same crap. I'll try to find this meme and send it to you.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: now I'm not saying everything he post is crap, but sometimes he'll just post the same s***, and I get it it's all related to the website, you just get bored of it after a while and it gets annoying. Now when he talks about stuff about the website, I usually listen to those videos more than I listen to his regular stuff, because those ones mean the website will change or upgrade a feature or something like that.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: occasionally it's fun and funny to listen to him talk about the dirty dirty Jews lol.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: He has vision on certain topics. When he goes on rants about that yamsha curry motherfucker... I don't get it. Or Dr bitch pill...

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: dirty, dirty jews... which he claims to be one. Which he discovered because his sister gave 23&me her dna, but now, he knows his grandfather was a jew... I think he is allowing is imagination run free on that one.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: i didn't know about his sister or his grandfather, but he says he's not the kind of jew, back when he first started this website, at first he didn't want to charge people for the site, but people like me and others convinced him to do it because it was the only way to sustain the website, as we don't want another stream.me issues to take place, we want his site to stay here, even though it's not that great of a site, it's the one true place we can talk about what we want to talk about without big tech shutting us down, so he hesitantly accepted, but when the economy went to shit, he started embracing it a bit more. he doesn't want to be a dirty dirty jew, but it seems he has to employ some of the economics of the dirty dirty jews in order to stay afloat and keep this site running.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: well, I voluntarily bought a subscription. I'm doing the same I did before. I chipped in because I want to keep this going.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: he still loses money on the platform believe it or not. he has said if this platform only had live streaming, he would actually make more than what he's doing now, so he also had to reduce bandwidth usage depending on what account you were using, he made it so people's payment and donations can be anonymous so he doesn't get shut down by paypal or other services that might exist. which essentially means the site could be used as a money because the dirty dirty jews forced his hands.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

woops i didn't even explain my point lol. the site is used as a way to make money but also it's filtered from prying eyes, because of the dirty dirty jews tactics.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: don't make the mistake of believing the government doesn't know who you are and doesn't know you're visiting this site.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: you obviously can't be completely secure, but you have to do what you can. but ultimately i agree with you.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: belive it or not, but i was the one to convince Amr to do the boosting and the live streaming on this platform. he's the expert in the tech part in things and i just come up with ideas, he said he could not afford an algorithm, so i suggested the boosting system and i said if he went as cheap as possible people would be more willing to pay, which is true, but the site simply doesn't get that much traffic to really make money in these ideas, the live streaming is a bit more complicated when more viewers enter the equation, but he at least got the live chat system to work with this site and the donation system set in place. but the infrastructure is still a mess, i wish the chat box worked better and didn't have to use this websites flawed structure, but at the same time, this website allows you to post any image you damn well please into the chat, which is great if you ever go to popps streams lol.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

No big tech website's allow you with so much freedom in the live chat. Wen you can post stuff like this and nobody bats an eye. https://grabber.themetwally.co....m/cache/media_attach

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KEEPER 2 years ago

You just have to know how these posts work as they are hosted on other sites. I'm using TFM'S mastadon instance to post these picks, the funny thing about it is I can copy the address and delete the post from mastadon, and the image still exists.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: I don't know what mastadon is.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: look it up. Funny enough it's where all the libtards in my country flocked to when Elon purchased Twitter, except they found out the hard way why it's worse for their values in a Twitter replacement platform. Because it offers even more free speech than Twitter does as it's decentralized network.

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