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Modern Women Are Tired of Working Men's 9 to 5 Routine - No More Independence!!

Published on 12 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

So modern women are sick of the 9 to 5 thing, or working in general as women are naturally lazy CUNT's that were so lazy in the 1960's and 70's that cooking a meal and doing a little house work was to much for them, oh how fucking oppressed the were! lol! Yet today they have invasded a MAN's world and are finding it's a hard place to be, you could say it's "Between a COCK and a HARD place"! lol! so how have women coped with this? Well certainly not using logic or taking a back step and thinking about it. NOPE they Blunered into MEN's lives in competition without the right gear, and so their FAILURE naturally is MEN's fault. so they have for decades put us down and insulted our intelligence. The natural MALE response has not been to simp up and just do what these harpies wanted, but to walk away and go their own thing in peace. And women didn't expect that did they? In fact if yoiu think of it Equality is actually working. MEN stopped taking all the bullshit and are thriving and women are miserable because they failed, so the balance kindof has returned i think? Nature is and has started putting women in their place, so that the oppressed MEN are now regaining their correct possition in Nature as the dominant being, but this time we are doing it for OURSELVES, not the selfish, miserable pathetic failures that ARE women. Finally the best part is that women are NOT conforming to knowing their place whereas MEN are regaining strength be it alone or on the sidelines. The result again is MEN THRIVE, women contiinue in ignorance ti FAIL, and good ridance to them all. Peace Gent's

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profhugodegaris 4 months ago

women would NOT have the option to live off the labor and money of a man, since the masculisted males would not tolerate the man slavery and divorce rape of a hated fluffie, and would effectively exterminate her, by forcing her to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and totally rejected socially and sexually, forced into a slow miserable death. Masculists are abolitionists, who have a hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists, and aim to remove their genes from the gene pool, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Sure... I'm find with women "working" off their debts as seemtresses and nurses like the good old days, perhaps even as a teacher's aid...

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NeoGeoGamer 4 months ago

Just turn tricks. If you're female and good-looking, turn tricks. It's basically the same as not doing it. You earn money to pay your bills and have sex with chads for free. Instead, have sex with customers and get your sex and money at the same time.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

But that's not Chad's or Tyrone's dicks!!

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Councilof1 4 months ago

If they don't like working they could choose to be homeless. They don't have to work however hunger and danger are constant companions, not tp mention never sleeping properly.

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Councilof1 4 months ago

Oh fuck Peterson. His daughter is proof of his "reasoning".

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