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Modern Women Are HITTING The WALL TWICE | Financially and Biologically

Published on 23 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

Generation Y is bound to hit the wall twice. They're young, reckless, and they've racked up an astonishing $60 billion of debt. New cars, new clothes, new toys, no problem. Just whack it on the card. These kids had never known tough economic times, so they think they were invincible but they're in for the shock of their lives. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I doubtbit... malls and midtier and fadt food restaurants are going out of business because of MGTOW. We men going away are causing these businesses to go under... Joker at Better Bachelor had a recent video where he talked about it. Plus, with the restaurants and prepared food, many a men are eating healthier diets are not eating the shot: it's effecting them too.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

No... you're target because simps and husband's would pay their debts...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

She crying because she fucked too many men, but how is going pay to play going to offend her mom?

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

" Why? Why were you so stupid? Why was I not satisfied?" Uhm because you a bitch and uhm hypergamy...

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Stalwart 2 months ago

The lack of accountability of these women is staggering.

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