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Modern Women Are Getting Rejected And Ghosted By Men

Published on 13 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

Modern women seem to be unaware of why MEN are Ghosting them or are not interested generally in them? Women are dumb, they are Stupid, ignorant and destructive if it's not all their own way. Don't they even conclude that is enought for MEN and even other women to ghost them? We are in a NEW century that in it's early stages has gone "TITS UP", but women wanted these chab]nges but are still expecting the last centuries Ideals that no longer fit in to natures normal plan. Women are destroying everything including themselves by wanting both the unworkabler NEW along side the UNWORKABLE old that cant work because of this change in attitude. Yet what have MEN done? MEN being the intelligent and more powerful species or sex have pressed the reset button and are in many cases THRIVING without all the old BULLSHIT. We have started a NEW. so the gap is even bigger or doubled as women go one desasterous way DOWNWARD but MEN are building. Hopefully this time we will see the error of our way's and exclude or REALLY suppress the fefail so it is there only by OUR MALR grace, if they don't conform they are out on the first strike as well. As for ME? Well I have a few good years left which I'm using to play Catchup with My life that was ruined by women back in those "SELFLESS" years when I took second place for abosolutely nothing it turned our when the shit fell on me for doing the so called right thing. Yeh! women can call me selfish or useless because I don't subsccribe to their selfish way's, but do you know what? 2I DON@T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE" ! Peace Gentlemen

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Jaygo 10 months ago

They do it for the "plot".

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

Men just aren't good enough for the modern femon so guys walk away or run

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Councilof1 10 months ago

Women assessing women for men is like a used car salesman saying "this car is exceptional". You really going to trust a salesman? If so I have ocean front property for sale in Saskatchewan, it's a landlocked province that you can watch your dog run away for day's LoL.

Women need to quit blaming men and start blaming themselves. Their choice their responsibility.

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The video is really good.....

The women are really fucked.... In the head - which is the only place they are fucked...


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Cough Cough........

"Modern women seem to be unaware"

Seem to be?


Most women would be oblivious to even getting their arses fist fucked....

This one - her disconnect between what she is doing - and what it is going to cause - is so total.....

"This woman should be beaten to death for being so fucking stupid."

That was my mothers normal.... The borderline psychotic drug addicted mental case..

Uggghhhhh fuck.

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