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Misspunnypennie_video_0018 _ This one is for the girlies

Published on 11 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

According to her poem in this video women are beautiful victims. She says they are protected by “night;” when they are in fact protected and provided for by men who created society. She flatters women by saying they “nurtured oppressors and kept their wrath warm.” She does not understand how the sexes need each other; men need women in order to have children and women need men to protect and provide for the family.

Furthermore, Len is giving young women toxic relationship advice. She tells them to “defy every rule they impose on your soul… become headstrong, and bossy, and outwith control….enact everything they are so scared you might do….don’t fight famine urges…make them fight for you….” Any relationship built on this foundation is doomed to failure. She would be enraged if any man said, “defy every rule they impose on your soul… become headstrong, and bossy, and outwith control….enact everything they are so scared you might do….don’t fight masculine urges…make them fight for you….”

This channel’s focus will be of the pitfalls and virtues of Len Pennie who’s Instagram channel is

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