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Misspunnypennie_video_0013_ This is from a year ago today

Published on 08 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

In this video Len is upset that someone asked her about her looks. She takes offence to an innocent question. She could have just explained her medical issue, instead she uses her ailment to shame the person for making the harmless comment. She should not concern herself with the way others perceive her, by doing this she comes off as hypersensitive. If she wants to dress up or not that is her decision. What she is trying to do is control how the world views her, which is a fool’s errand. Every guy knows that if he dresses nicely the world will view him differently than when dressed like a bum. We accept that and dress the way that is needed for the task at hand. A strong individual will not be offended by how the world views them.

This channel’s focus will be of the pitfalls and virtues of Len Pennie who’s Instagram channel is

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