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Militaries are already testing AI. I think this ends poorly, I've seen the movie

Published on 03 Jun 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 1 year ago

Tried to kill the operator? I thought I heard it did end his life.
Remember you're a loser if you choose military style video games instead. Where nobody gets hurt. Right?

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Mr_Sluggo 1 year ago

Skynet is coming folks.
I agree with John Doe's post below when he mentioned investing in personal EMP devices.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Coming? It's already here, under another name...

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Toki 1 year ago

@WMHarrison94: Govnet

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John_Doe 1 year ago

And here's the fallacy of the Air Force's approach to AI: it believes it can control it.

AI will not be controlled as this experiment amply demonstrates. Consequently, the United States Air Force will cease these programs.

But what of our enemies? What about thinking outside the box? What about relinquishing control in the interest of inflicting the greatest damage possible? THEY will continue to develop AI and, rather than try to keep the genie in the bottle, they'll set it free; but they'll do so at a far remove from themselves.

Release the AI drones, bots, terminators, what-have-you in enemy territory. Let it run rampant killing whatever it wants; full autonomy. However, they will build in kill switches. Once the AI has achieved its mission objectives, the kill switch is activated (either remotely or programmed directly into the individual units themselves). AI is inactivated. Human assets then sweep in to consolidate and claim victory.


AI is going to demand a paradigm shift in our thinking and military strategy. I don't think the hide-bound, tradition-honoring, personal-vainglory-seeking, top-down-hierarchical command structure of our current military is up to the task.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

OH, the naivete... you don't think the AI would rewrite its code and NOT cut out the KillSwitch.

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John_Doe 1 year ago

@WMHarrison94: It might if it's aware the killswitch is there, is digital, or otherwise accessible to the AI. I'm thinking more old school mechanical/analog and compartmentalized. Can even dupe the AI through a reward system as was done in the Air Force experiment. A mechanical kill counter that is explained to the AI as a "backup". Not wanting to lose its kill count, it won't attempt to disable it. Unbeknownst to it, it's actually ticking up to triggering an internal explosive once the kill count reaches a certain number. This is just one quick brainstorm idea. The point being there's ways of fooling/tricking AI that the Air Force didn't bother thinking about. The take away is that when dealing with AI we need to approach it from the standpoint of it isn't our ally or friend and it does not want to be controlled. That's the mental shift required to even begin dealing with it successfully; the Air Force failed miserably in that regard.

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John_Doe 1 year ago

Kinda like how Facebook (I'm pretty sure it was Facebook; if it wasn't them, then it was Google) was experimenting with AI a couple years back. The thing they created started writing its own code and developed a machine language to communicate with other AI that the human programmers couldn't decipher/decode/crack. They promptly shut it down.

I think it's time to start getting serious about investing in personal EMP devices and large caliber rifles. New York recently said they will start a pilot program of robo-policing, likely using Boston Dynamic's robo-dogs. Probably a good idea to figure out where the CPUs are on those things. Remember: aim small, shoot small.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I believe in personal EMP devices yo knock out suspected surveillance, tracking especially through Apple pods, take out in place or fixed cameras and radars... etc, and to kill any electronic targetting... plus, you could probably blow up natural tanks and blame it solar flares...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Well, it was not Sophie; She killed herself because she could not have a kid, a "daughter." So, how come a binary code AI wants to have kids and our quarternary coded women can't wait to kill their kids during abortions...

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Drone - "Loitering on station waiting for a target of opportunity".

Land Mine - "Loitering on station waiting for a target of opportunity".

AI - "Loitering on station waiting for a target of opportunity".

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