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Mgtow Tip #64 : Know when YOU are the AGGRESSOR !!

Published on 28 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

Mgtow Tip #64 : Know when YOU are the AGGRESSOR. Therefore, you can avoid being in the wrong. Being wrong can be very expensive!

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 8 months ago  

it is NOT your job to protect any community or individual. You are your number one responsibility.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

Male Karen on patrol. Glad the cop called him out.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 8 months ago

EXACTLY! that dude looked like the kind of guy who hates the left, Karens and black folks equally... yet hes acting like the very thing he hates. Typical female behaviour. As soon as guys like him wake up to their own bitch-tendancies, there will be so much more clarity in the U.S.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. He'll call the cops for not wearing a mask, getting the poke, not using hand sanitizer.....

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Leader_Desslok 8 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: it is amazing how often people become exactly the thing that they hate !

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