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MGTOW BROTHER FROST Best dogs for surviving the collapse of the West

Published on 10 Dec 2023 / In Pets & Animals

giving his opinion on best breed of dogs to have to help you survuve the apocalypse.

I gave him my theory that even the best trained dog will not help if they scared by stun gun and tazer gun buzzing noise just like any normal human being and gave him the link to the wranglestar video that explaied this. The link is posted below and the video is already uploaded to my channel. Some of the Best trained dogs get scared and its easy to see why. Be Smart and train and Survive amd Stay Alive With or withour a Dog. Godbless and Godspeed \G/ link to wranglestar video explaining even the best special forces dogs get scared or Buzing electric sounds and sights. Stay Prepared and Alive.

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Link to video on my channel about wranglestar video about even the best trialned Dogs are scared of stun gun and tazer buzzing and electric sounds. So stay Based and Strong and Train so if your best dog gets scared or fails you protect your own life than rely on the Dig. We Humans all get afraid of stun gun and tazer sights and sounds and so therefore not surprised mans best friend aka Dogs react and respond the same way. Enjoy Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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