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Men are Fed up With Women

Published on 21 Feb 2024 / In People & Blogs

Explore the complex reasons why an increasing number of men express frustration with their interactions and relationships with women. This video delves into societal changes, communication challenges, and evolving expectations that contribute to this growing sentiment. Featuring expert opinions, personal anecdotes, and potential pathways to understanding and reconciliation, we aim to shed light on this sensitive topic, encouraging a constructive dialogue between all parties involved.

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Never_Again 5 months ago

Anyone that PAID for a chunk of paper that 'says' they are #Smart & "Believe" dat shit are fucking stupid & rather insane cuz has any of you ever known a piece of parchment read itself let alone speak?

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Never_Again 5 months ago

Looks like she be another proud dumb ass hood rat #Black #Bitch in a blonde wig.

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Mustang 5 months ago

Not really. The lazy worthless Millennial and Generation Zero Men still simp after them. What lousy Generations they are!!!

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