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Memes Of The Week #325 - MGTOW

Published on 08 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. The best thing you can do is spank that like button to help this video reach a wider audience. Also before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor Met VPN:

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Damn, the no life jacket eThots yacht girls selfie before death types floated a few days later back to shore... Damn, even the sharks didn't want a piece of their asses?!

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Hmmm. B and D are good, C if I'm desperate...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Oh Sandman, unless I am mistaken, when a minor chick has a kid through child birth, she's now legal tender regardless of her age... just saying.

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I just had to look this up - not because I really care, but mostly because I didn't know:

What is the density of the silicone gel / rubber used in "Bigger Me Boobs" body jobs?

The silicone gel and the shell it is stuck in, comes to around 1.1Kg per liter of volume (It depends - but it's in this vascinity), where are body fat - which also composes most of a womans head, is around 920 grams per liter of volume. (pure fat is ~880 grams per liter)

There are women and men who look the same.

Then there are transgenders - men looking like women.

Then there are women into body building.

The gay thing is not my scene, but I am not that sure I'd want to be with HER either.

Silicone is often confused with silicon, but they are distinct substances. Silicon is a chemical element, a hard dark-grey semiconducting metalloid, which in its crystalline form is used to make integrated circuits ("electronic chips") and solar cells. Silicones are compounds that contain silicon, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and perhaps other kinds of atoms as well, and have many very different physical and chemical properties.

Mental health

The longitudinal study Excess Mortality from Suicide and other External Causes of Death Among Women with Cosmetic Breast Implants (2007), reported that women who sought breast implants are almost 3.0 times as likely to commit suicide as are women who have not sought breast implants. Compared to the standard suicide-rate for women of the general populace, the suicide-rate for women with augmented breasts remained alike until 10-years post-implantation, yet it increased to 4.5 times greater at the 11-year mark, and so remained until the 19-year mark, when it increased to 6.0 times greater at 20-years post-implantation. Moreover, additional to the suicide risk, women with breast implants also faced a trebled death risk from alcoholism and drugs abuse (prescription and recreational).[37][38] Although seven studies have statistically connected a woman's undergoing a breast augmentation procedure to a greater suicide rate, the research indicates that augmentation[39][40] surgery does not increase the suicide rate; and that, in the first instance, it is the psychopathologically inclined woman who is likelier to undergo breast augmentation.[41][42][43][44][45][46]

Moreover, the study Effect of Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty on Self-Esteem and Sexuality: A Quantitative Analysis (2007), reported that the women attributed their improved self-esteem, self-image, and increased, satisfactory sexual functioning to having undergone breast augmentation; the cohort, aged 21–57 years, averaged post-operative self-esteem increases ranging from 20.7 to 24.9 points on the 30-point Rosenberg self-esteem scale, which data supported the 78.6 percent increase in the woman's libido, relative to her pre-operative level of libido. Therefore, before agreeing to any surgical procedure, the plastic surgeon evaluates and considers the woman's mental health to determine if breast implants can positively affect her self-esteem and sexual functioning.[47]


Calculating the weight of a silicone gel implant —
The density of the silicone used to fill the breast implant is about 0.98 gr/cm3.
Using a 300 cc breast implant for this example (and ignoring the weight of the implant shell)…

A 300 cc Silicone gel-filled breast implant weighs:
300 cc x 0.97 gr/cc = 291 gr

Two 300 cc Silicone gel-filled breast implants therefore weigh 582 gr.

1 pound = 453.592 gr (round to 454 gr)

Therefore, two 300 cc Silicone gel-filled breast implants weigh:
582 gr / 454 gr = 1.282 pounds = 1 pound 4.5 ounces.

This demonstrates that a silicone gel breast implant is actually just slightly lighter than an equal volume saline breast implant.

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sbseed 2 months ago

only the jews hated jesus...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

True. It's like penis envy with women; they jealous of His power... I'm just trying to figure out how these Jews following Moses' Laws would be a treasure to God El. I mean Damn, you're God El Elohim who brougt you out of Egypt and fed your asses in the desert, he comes down to hang out with you, and His people killed His human ass?! Hobgoblins' nature I guess... LOL!

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