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Memes Of The Week #255 - MGTOW

Published on 10 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. The best thing you can do is spank that like button to help this video reach a wider audience. Also before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor Met VPN:

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Jaygo 29 days ago

Voters are the absolute dumbest people on the planet

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WMHarrison94 28 days ago

How? Most of them are dead...

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WMHarrison94 30 days ago

Sandman... bro you let Jeremy of the Quartering... fucking Quarterpounder beat you in posting Trump saving pussycats and ducks from Haitian alien invaders?! Guess you should search them and enjoy the laugh...

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WMHarrison94 30 days ago

I disagree with Black Pigeon Speaks... if they try to steal this 2024 election, the script will be flipped and it'll be Civil War. With Haitians in Ohio eating all the zoo animals, the ducks and eagles, and even American kids, there will be some "gunning down" real soon. These people once they rise will destroy the Catholic Churches and other NGOs that funnel these illegal aliens around and likely the Customs and Borer Patrol for doing it. If you thought AntiFA was burning Washington DC down or J6 was an insurrection, bitch you ain't seen noting yet. If you wake up the sleeping giant, God help you... He barely helped Japan.

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Amiba 30 days ago

Man, I love memes of the week. They always make my day.

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JMGTOW 30 days ago

8:42 BPS is wrong. there will always be a dem vs cons. it's the hegalian dialectic and that's how the powers that be uses it to divide the people. they will keep the facade going because people are too fucking retarded not to fight back at the oppressors. they cabal does this cuz it works and have been working since the beginning of the country.

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WMHarrison94 30 days ago

Dammit, evrything I typed, my keyborad just erased? I don't even know how it des that?

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WMHarrison94 30 days ago

So, They will not win. Gen Z and Millenials are fucking pissed over the economy. Gen X has had enough, If they steal this electio, arrest Trump and/or deny his Presidency or kill him, they will not be able to prepare or withstand the fiery death tie they just unleashed upon themselves. People are already pissed over illegal aliens' ganags taking oer apartment complexes, Haitians eating everything including pets, cats, dogs, ducks, swans, zoo animals, and American kids now... The Gods won't be able to save them when this lights off... a lot of politicians and judges allowing this shit will be shot, the Catholic Church and other NGOs pushing aliens around and Customs and Border PAtrol, these will all be shot to death... Once this Sleeping Giant is woke up, there will be no peace or lives left for these cunts pushing this shit. I almost want to watch it happen unfolding before our lives and if Jews are afraid of Russia or Iran... those hobgoblins have not yet met fear...

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@WMHarrison94: --- Your starting to write like that other insane nut case with a keyboard.... What's his name????? It's right on the tit of my tum..... Hmmmm..

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