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McDonalds PANICS As New BRUTAL Prices Go Viral & Wendy's Goes On Attack As Prices Get WORSE!

Published on 21 May 2024 / In Entertainment

Fast Food is collapsing more by the day

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Toki 2 months ago

You're so rich you can to have food delivered. Sad how an honest working man can't even afford groceries while an e-celeb gets free food delivered to home by a wagie who doesn't get paid enough to eat.
If you really cared you should at least get a real productive part-time job somewhere. That's the real problem. Yes it's Biden we know. But also Asmongold, Amouranth, you, Rekeita, Hassan, you're all unproductive and yet get paid a fortune to do nothing but talk. The same thing Biden and Trump do - talk and don't work anywhere. The same thing as single moms on welfare. The only difference is men like you and Rekeita have something interesting to talk about that doesn't fully orbit around thyself all the time like Amouranth or someone. But for every streamer that expects payment for streaming we all become poorer. People of the old world would consider streamers pathetic beggars. Or corrupt emperors. Streaming is fine. But so is a pick up B ball game at a park. If someone walks by and sits down to watch people play B ball should the observer be expected to pay money? See what I mean? Monetizing leisure at the expense of national production. Just like a politician. Getting paid to do nothing while good productive men suffer. JP men figured it out. Why bother trying in life at all when YT'ers get paid to have a YT channel? All the while women getting a free ride off men's labor and being total cunts about everything.
Jeremy if you we're smart you'd be single and no children. Then you wouldn't need money. You also would not have doomed your children to have an even more stressful life in the future of inflation or global genocide from world Govs.

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Toki 2 months ago

Using the app also means they make a fortune off your data worth far more money than a luxury overpriced meal of any sorts. Caviar, filet mignon, whatever. For some reason digital data of people is worth more than real life resources. It makes no sense and proves how many people don't have honest jobs. They use terms and conditions agreements 100 pages long to get people to consent to giving up their data.
Steam for example should be entirely free because they make more money off selling your data than the worthless digital copy games. Meanwhile people are paying extra for PSN/XBOX who are doing the same. Overcharging you for digital games that don't exist really. Then paying the sub lol. Then making far more off you data. They could at least get rid of the sub fee.
My solution is just don't eat or buy anything. Easy for me though because I'm patient, calm, and have no will to live. Therefore eating doesn't matter to me. It's just keeping me alive to suffer longer. I want to go before my parents do because they are boomers who had a stake in these current problems. I've always been a low spender boycotting everything I can my whole life. Not my fat mom though. Eat, eat, buy shoes, buy baskets, buy this, buy new car on a loan like an idiot, etc. Then both of them vote enslaving me their own son along with my irresponsible spoiled sister on welfare. My sister is nice at least, but the mother is a Trump TDS type who not only votes but votes for the worst options. If they loved their son they would have avoided supporting Gov in any form or fashion. Gov is the enslaver of the common man.
Also hilarious when Jeremy the fat guy talks about food prices. You're part of the problem in the USSA. You could lose 100 pounds but you squander your YT welfare wealth to overeat while real workers have empty stomachs. You don't even need the calories Jeremy. You're an unemployed streamer. Real men need calories for real productive jobs which provide someone like Jeremy a life of luxury just like a woman on welfare. How fat is the wife also? At least you're smart enough to keep her off the public view. Good play. Rekeita done fucked that in that regard. Showing off his petite gym wife to the world so Bill Gates can then buy her. Idiots online.

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Toki 2 months ago

Eventually the Gov and scumbags like McD's CEOs and big investors are going to genocide 99% of humans. Replace with robot slaves. The evidence is right here as they make life unaffordable.
You know the low IQ goons in the military will follow ze orders because they have to get laid. If they don't work for Daddy Gov and enslave innocent people they can't get laid otherwise. Therefore more proof women's entitlements are causing the collapse as well.
I just hope I die soon from anything other than be gassed by own shitty Gov I'm trying to warn people about.
Can we talk smartphone prices and phone services rates? They are insane. They are making so much money off people. I don't even own or want one. House phone for $10 a month is all good. As a shut-in hermit male I don't even need a mobile phone. I have a desktop that is the peak home tech entertainment device which last for ten years or longer. I don't need fancy new GPUs either because newer games are overpriced fast food.

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Good article on CrapOnalds....

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Australians have a habit of shortening everything down to a single syllable.

Mc Donalds was shortened to Maccas.

The CUNTS in McDonalds, copyrighted the street name - what "we the people" created, so no one else could legally use it.

Fuck them.

CrapOnalds - Copyright that you cunts.

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