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Man's Life is Ruined by Girl he Never Even met.

Published on 26 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation
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usr6874038614 5 months ago

When the chosen people rule the justice system, this is what you get.
"They illegally seized my AR15" : that's your reason right there. Keep in mind : If he tries to get his gun back, the case will be refloated again. It's the new way to disarm the population.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

I'm so glad I'm invisible to women. When they do see me they look at me like something they stepped in LoL.

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I like to reinforce the point. A dumb fuck in an online AA meeting, just had to chime in on something I said to some one else, which was non of her fucking business, so I shot her down in flames.... Alanon is like AA - only for family and friends of the Alcoholic - full of psychotic fat bitches - argumentative, nasty and stupid as all fuck.... What I said to her... "Maybe you should join Alanon - that is full of old fat unfuckable bitches who like to stick their noses into everyone elses business and nag and lecture and be all round arseholes.... It would suit a stupid fat bitch like you to a T. Thanks for nagging."

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Both barrels from the opening line - "Booyah!" ------ The fucking idiots cannot keep their shit to themselves and they are too stupid to be able to keep their shit in check.... Just fucking hammer them. A bit of history on the Boo-Yah comment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boo-Yaa_T.R.I.B.E.

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