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Making a Solid Copper Sledge Hammer - HAMMER TIME-

Published on 14 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Beryllium is a metal that is alloyed with copper to make very tough copper tools - which are immensely strong, and long lasting.

Their main claim to fame is they are non sparking and non magnetic - which is important inside coal mines, oil drilling platforms, bomb defusing etc...

I have handled beryllium copper sheet - hard drawn... it's like spring steel... I was not aware of the dangers at the time and the internet was not invented - and the product had been made many decades before this.

The main issue is that IF I could, I would love to make and or get a whole set of beryllium copper hammers - BUT beryllium is as seriously TOXIC as all fuck....

But copper hammers have their place and there are safer alloys to use.

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