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Low IQ atheist can't figure out magic

Published on 13 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

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The mixing - the back ground audio is too loud and the primary speaker is too indistinct.
I'd keep the same volume as current, for the start, and then just before the speaker starts, I'd drop it to say 15%.... Just nice enough to flavour the back ground with some nice melody..

The essential point is to communicate the INFORMATION in the SPOKEN message...

It's good it has subtitles, but the writing is very small and there is a fast pace to it.

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SuperMachoAlfa 9 months ago

Thank you bro

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@SuperMachoAlfa: Really the best set ups are like an aircraft control system... You don't read instrument panels, you scan them in a second.... Same with taking in information.... This is ONE of the instrument clusters, for one of the engines, of a 2 engined DC 3. TOP LEFT: RPM Probably sitting on 1200 - 1500 RPM - IDEAL., TOP CENTRE - Turbo Charger Boost - Probably 35 - 40 inches of Mercury cruising at altitude. TOP RIGHT - probably 65 PSI on a good hot engine, probably 80 - 100 PSI on a very cold engine - just starting up, any colder and you need an engine preheater. BOTTOM LEFT - Cylinder Head Temperature - Probably 200*C flying over the Sahara Desert on a HOT DAY and 100*C flying at altitude over the mountains in north Alaska. BOTTOM CENTRE - Fuel Pressure - probably about 15 PSI on a new / rebuilt pump, probably about 12 on a worn pump. BOTTOM RIGHT - Oil Temperature - probably about 70*C ideally... 100*C too hot and 35C too cold. It's the presenting of the information and the ability to absorb and process it - that is what is really good about aircraft instruments.... IF the shit is hitting the fan you can usually see it coming and or figure out exactly what is happening in a second... None of this "Uhhhh better look it up in the manual" for the next 10 minutes bullshit.... It's the same with presenting information.... It has to be clear and too the point. You need to be using as little of the audiences brain power as possible and in as short amount of time, as reasonably possible. Have you watched this series on the size of the (then) observed universe - 8 short like 10 minute videos - very, very, simply presented... simple pictures, basic diagrams, basic maths and this guy shoe horns in ideas and information that causes brain damage - because the amount of "the universe" is so huge, in terms of distance, time, amounts and numbers... you just cannot get your head around it - but he has presented the information in a way that gets it inside your head...

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SuperMachoAlfa 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yea it's definitely a skill to be able to show information fast and to the point.

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SuperMachoAlfa 8 months ago

@SuperMachoAlfa: I don't see it as that important because people who have little attention span probably won't want to understand anyways.

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@SuperMachoAlfa: Head lines. "MAN WALKS ON THE MOON"

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Shrike777 9 months ago

You're a fuckhead.

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SuperMachoAlfa 9 months ago

Engineer * what do you do low IQ goy

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