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Leftover Women Learn The Hard Way Because Men Don't Approach Anymore - Women Hitting The Wall

Published on 22 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

You will like this one Guy's? Women claim they would now feel safer with a BEAR in a Foresst than a MAN? Delusional expectations only a women could vomit up! lol! Well! I'm a Guy that would feel safer with a BEAR than a women. WHY! because a BEAR is actually looking at me RIGHT NOW!lol! Yep, he is my old PANDA Teddy Bear I've had since 1966 and he is in a case as he is one of the last things my Mom bought meshortly before she passed on. I keep him to remind me of the better or good times, when a Mother loved and cherished their Kid's. My Mom never once as I remember complained about beihg Oppressed or hard done by. Mind you she died before Feminism destroyed the world and women, but I'm sure she wouldn't have fallen for it? Yep I feel safe even with a bear in the room Drizzle Drizzle, lady's! lol!

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Lemme guess: "It's always the man's fault." And then, they wonder why we replaced them with waifus and anime titties!? "The men are too busy playing video games to date us." I think women are just this retarded, because we know her HIGHNESS princess no Goddess ass (oh I can't wait until the Goddess goes after her and her hubris...) now can do no wrong!? It's not like we are done and now play video games saving our money...No. it can't be that!?! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

No text no call? You just a booty call... dumbass.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Damn...Amen brother... We said to...and chose a bear over men.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Well, she knows she's the problem... damn. Are we dreaming!?!

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Rickcoona 9 months ago

Gorl #2 is Regurgitating "The Rules" the Failed Daying Playbook that Started all this over entitled Bitch Queen Phenom where they see guys as Walking ATM's anf it teaches them to compile "Lists" ( 6 feet tall, Six pack abs, Six Figure income, 12 inch Schlong) it failed The Rules was primarily directed at women — that it encouraged women to play games, that it made women manipulative.
Rule No. 1 ("Be a Creature Unlike Any Other!"), (Rule No. 4: "Don't Meet Him Halfway), (Rule No. 5: Don't Call Him, and Rarely Return His Calls), Rule No. 7, "Never Accept a Date for a Saturday Night if He Asks After Wednesday,"
it is no wonder they are getting EXACTLY what they asked for "Drizzle Drizzle"

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