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Knife Wielding Nut gets a Full Clip

Published on 17 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation


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The cop is a bit of a shouty dumb cunt.....

He's just put 14 rounds into him from close range and these idiots - they don't have what it takes to be I wouldn't say cold blooded killers, but they don't have ice cold nerves..... and with that pistol at that range, in consideration of he has a HUGE carving knife and is trying to I assume kill the woman, all my shots should have been to the base of the skull if there was no important woman parts within a 20* Degree cone either side of a direct pss though line - behind his head.

One shot would have killed him stone dead.... and it's all over rover - and I'd have 13 spare just in case the first round didn't work and the dead idiot fuck has equally fucking idiotic friends....

Not a fan of irrational screaming stupid people.....

Not a fan of psychotic cunts with carving knives either.....

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BioWeapanSurvivor 1 year ago

9mm just pisses off most large men. The officer did what I would have done but I would have added another clip. Quit being a candy ass.

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P2LBN 1 year ago

The shooting looks legitimate to me, but I don't like that, while walking around for a better view of the knife hand, the cop actually put another man, who may or may not want to get involved, at his (the cop's) unprotected back!

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Yeah I picked that..... the cop is a normie dumb arse with gun training - not kill your enemies training.

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Mr_Sluggo 1 year ago

Damn...He should have emptied the 2nd clip as well.
C'mon dude...Don't be stingy with the bullets.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 1 year ago

Lets start a go fund me for these sack of shit to get reparations and a ticket to South Africa, but they have to give up their USA citizenship. This shit is for the birds, is a cancer and if not removed will result in the whole of the Nation beinging infected, Opps we already are infected.

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