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Kid HUMBLES Delusional Woman Expecting Guys To Come To The Rescue

Published on 25 May 2023 / In Entertainment

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Mustang 1 year ago

No way would I call a friend at 3 AM for a Jump Start!!! Call s freakin' Tow Truck Company.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Except for going to work, wtf am I doing up at 3am, except she's riding the "carousel"? SMH.

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This moron cock hopper fucked up badly in her first line.

It's her car, and she cannot fix it.

So she then goes and leans on all the men she knows, at 3 AM - to come and fix her car for her...

They all told her to fuck off and so he gets even more pissy, selfish and ungrateful...

Does she go spend up on a workshop manual and enroll in a how to fix your car school, and spend up on a small tool kit....


She gets on Tick Thot and makes a video, calling all the men she knew and all other men by assocation, cunts because they refused to drop what ever they were doing at "3 fucking am" and to come from where ever they are, to where ever she is, and fix her car for her.....

AND not only is this useless, lazy, lying cunt - fucking useless and selfish and self centered, how come she does not have the cash to pay for a 24 hour mechanic service to come and get it going or how come she just can't stay there the night, or how come she can't catch an UBER or get her fucking car towed?

And this piece of cock hopping shit is calling all the men useless.

Fuck her.

"It's your car, You fix it".

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Back in the day, in my native Chicago, a jump start wasn't free. Prepare to pay at least $20 (back in the '80s/'90s) for a jump. Even a taxi driver would charge you at least that, and you paid before we opened our hood.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I don't know what's she's bitching about? They said they wanted to be treated like men, as equals. Welcome to equality bitch!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Ahhh, she's from Ohio... Ohioan women used to marriage material-- er the nonAmish type... NOT ANYMORE! Thanks for the Public Service Announcement!

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

"Ohioan women used to marriage mateaial" dude.... you must be old

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@Lucifer333: Not that old, just a GenXer. Those women used to be hot and Conservative... They changed for the worst!

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@WMHarrison94: ok boomer

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