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Kevin Samuels - "It's Men's Responsibility To Fix Us" XD


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Published on 31 May 2023 / In People & Blogs

Kevin's guest asked Kevin to define "average"? in mathematical terms average is simply around the middle point, or things that occurs 50% of the time. He breaks down average men, as making 40 - 50K a year, and average women based on the BMI scale, which varies by height. He mentioned that 80% of the women in our community are overweight, which puts them below average.

Kevin agrees with her rating that she is a 6, or one step above average. He concludes that her mate should also be average.

This clip shares some of Kevin Samuels talking points.

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Mustang 1 year ago

Kevin had a unique ability to cut through a woman's B.S. RIP Kevin

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

yes, too bad he got the jab. we all know that's how he was murdered.

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