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Joe Rogan Confirmed CENSORED By Spotify, Elon Musk & Ben Shapiro & Matt Walsh By Youtube & Facebook

Published on 10 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

the censorship complex is real.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

We just need to acknowledged misinformation is the government being caught lying. Fuck GARM or whatever the fuck it's called. WEF should be eliminated by SEAL Team 6 or any team...just saying.

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The Censorship Industrial Complex.

Using AI as the Censorship Machine?

I have picked the locks in Chat GPT's head a number of times, caused it to crash 4 or 5 times so far, in some ways it's useful for assembling some academic data on specific subjects, it hasn't got the brains to follow and play a chess game, nor to correct it's self.

More over, it speaks all this feminist bullshit, and I can tie it in knots by all sorts of logic loops... where it states a position and then contradicts its own position, and I asked it what it thinks of my statement, "AI is only as fucked in the head, as the fucked in the head people who program it" - well I had to prompt it to display my question and then answer it.

It actually gave a good answer in amongst all the bullshit about "software being offended" and other mind fuck impositions.

I did to a monthly subscription to access ALL the features and it's very lefty cancel culture too....

Pre subscription it promised such activities as music and graphics etc., and then after subscribing, those functions were not available.

I held that subscription for about 2 hours and an hour and a half of that was trying to cancel it.

AND I started posting with "Hello you fuckhole piece of software" - it would blank my question, I would ask it to display my question and it would....

Then it changed to blanking my question, and refusing to unblank it, and then it would also blank it's own reply... LOL

It gave up lots of lies about what data it gained, who had access to it and where it was sent....

I know that I asked all the questions that you should not be asking and that my chats were monitored by a human and just how, "cancel culture" lefty bullshit they became, when I would log in with, "Hello idiot software and your fuckhole retard programmers"....

They didn't improve the software and they didn't lift their game, they actively "discouraged me" to stop using their fantastic software - the AI is not intelligent, it's more a step sidewards from automated warehouse management programming, with data instead of pallets on racks....

I can twist it's internal organs and tear them out it's arsehole.....

Chat GPT is not that good.... As a librarian suppling the better choice of books, it's useful....

While the morons spruiking it up to the high heavens as the most amzingly amazing thing ever - I am routinely smashing it's head in.

Aritificial Intelligence - my arsehole.

Open AI and their ChatGPT - have gone all politically correct....

Like a retarded preschool teacher who ties on her retarded space cadet indoctrination bullshit - you know the rainbows and sparkles and boys have vaginas --- and the boy tells her to fuck off... and then she goes even more insane....

They and their Social Credit Score bullshit have just gotten worse.....

It's all about control and manipulation.

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