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Japan Birth Rate COLLAPSING, Birthrate Collapse Is The APOCALYPSE

Published on 09 Jun 2024 / In News & Politics

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myopinion 3 months ago

@11:06-11:51 - 1. Its not a competition, but apparently to Tim, it is. 2. You, ... having more kids, doesn't automatically = "your side", The trend is, the more people know, ... = the more, they leave, the church. ( So either, religion will have to, .... REALLY push harder, at the brainwashing indoctrination, .... OR, .... get used to, their own kids, ... leaving, (your side) due to becoming, enlightened, & ACTUALLY moral. ) .... Also, over a third of kids, being raised, are NOT the husbands kids, due to her, "stepping out". ..... ( Mary was a wh*re, theres no such thing, as miracle babies ) 3. If only conservative kids, are born, ... then, that ALSO means, .... they will be, 100% of the drafted, & d*ad, in the next wars. So, you win, little Timmy, I guess, ( /shrug ) enjoy.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Unintended consequences? He'll no, it was fully intended dumb ass by the Satanic Globohomo Jews... welcome to reality, what kept you?

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Toki 5 months ago

Literally two females on the show who could be pregnant right now. But Tim begs for it and gives them money like iDubz. Those two may be past their fertility though. Birth control, free abortions, and slutting around sabotages their fertility on purpose for lower birth rates you idiots.
So does Tim or any of these folks have kids? Who are they to judge without presenting any evidence of their own self-important ideas? Are your children going to spend their lives playing on the net? Not working/creating wealth and prosperity for more than oneself? Or you are not having kids while suggesting viewers do have kids so you have a workforce to cook your food, and deliver your food? $2000 gaming chairs? Who's does real work to produce those? You just sit down and ask for money in your overpriced chair. "King of the Castle. King of the Castle."
Sorry but human intelligence of the selfless worker classes has evolved. JP men lead the way.
Send your kids to work while you play on the net all day like a good parent. Send them to schools instead of homeschool because you'd rather be online and getting free money. You don't even work and you would still not homeschool. Now if you didn't kids that's great. If nobody has kids then the corrupt system falls apart. No more free vacation life for my state governors for example. They of course will enslave their own kids just like Timcast though. No more servants to clean and landscape the White House or McD's corpo HQ. What a tragedy! Oh no the bankers can't steal wealth from people by lending them fictional money and charging interest in a system of haves and have nots. No more schools and property taxes for city council boards to buy cocaine and female company. Or male company in some cases because it's DEI now. They like those dark migrant men and want them shipped in.
Maybe our children can grow up to be prostitutes for the rich? That seems to be how to works now being American or not. Daughters frequently choose this route because the women kicks out the father for personal gain exclusively.
The only reason to logically reproduce is if your family is on top already. But then you are just evil so really nobody should be having kids. Why would I produce a slave for Ivanka Trump or Chelsea Clinton? Or the Obama girls who are now NEETs as single moms I assume? I'm sure Ivanka and Chelsea are single moms as well. At some point at least.
Even N Korean people are having kids it's shocking. I assume they have to force them? I live in part of the so-called free world but I fear for the freedom, privacy, and quality of life for any children born today. They are being made obsolete to tech. What type of job will a one year old have available in the future? UBI? Do they simply immediately go to prison for life because they might commit a crime? Sure feels like it regarding privacy when you leave your hosue and go to any store or business. Being recorded like they are setting up a Big Purge Running Man show. Your children will have to deal with that suffering. The many mistakes of the human species soyciety coming to fruition. "Rule over me Daddy Gov and tell me what to do." "Your insurance didn't cover the ultrasound because your healthcare provider isn't in-network with us. Here's a bill for $10,000." This is how selfish most humans are. Then the medical folks complain about other people not having babies to pay off their college debts. I'm guessing Tim has lots of debts as well as the entire Crew. No kids, no females = zero debts. It's feels great. No drama either. Just peace, quiet, gaming, and waifus. Not a gatcha waifu gamer either. Like I said - zero debts here. The fact gatcha games of any type are so profitable is another reason I don't want kids. The Idiocracy of it all.
You see it's like video games. You used to buy game and buy real property in a disc. Doesn't require online DRM.
Now you pay for digital air product as a game product and you don't own it at all.
Similar to how the Gov now owns your kids immediately after that first ultrasound goes gets archived. Same deal in Japan. The folks are tired of that bootlicking the CEO/Gov culture. Combined with today's world where JP man is smart enough to have waifu with modern tech. While JP women are total freaks that like Yaoi. If the JP man goes to work and pays taxes he has to pay for the female's Yaoi content. That's where we are. So stop calling out JP hermit men. You just want to put in them in Timcast labor camps to do all your dirty work. While you goof around in life giving females free money and a show to slut themselves out on. Tim I know you're half-Asian or whatever so that redhead white girl is clearly what you're putting all this effort into. She's no anime redhead though that's for sure. Personality and looks combined with eternal goddess youth. What does Tim need? I like a thick Alexstrasza for a redhead. Not just a redhead but red shiny clearcoat skin with fair skin underneath. I've seen AlexS much thicker than your redhead thot here Tim. Better clothes as well. Exotic eyes and extra horns. Talking about her elf form of course. That's the best part of a waifu. She can just happen to be a red dragon as well which is interesting as long as your aren't on a date/smashing. It's far better than discovering what your redhead does regarding her behavior off camera. Her inner dragon is more of a demon because she's a real female. Not a fun anime demon either. Because we have those waifus as well.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

I don't think Tim has debt. He saves more than he spends...

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Toki 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Nope. Look at that studio and everything. Plus he's renting all these hookers. I bet the hookers get free room, food, and board paid for by sugar daddy Daddy Tim. If he had zero females around then yes I would believe he's saving wealth.

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Toki 5 months ago

That woman's hair is too short. Really blows my mind when a female would purposefully miss out on an advantage in life such as feminine long hair. Choosing a boy haircut instead. Really weird.
Ultear Milkovich from anime is a hot JP women. With feminine hair. Just do that. What's complicated about how to be attractive as a female? All they have is exterior beauty anyways so make use of it. Only waifus have interior beauty of soul/personality. Plus superior beauty on the outside like Ultear. She's kind of a villain as well just like the average real female. I'm not sure yet because I'm just discovering this character but damn is she interesting thus far. I don't pay attention to real women at all they are so predictable and boring.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

If a woman dyes her hair too much as she gets older, she has to keep it short to hide the damage done by dying...

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Toki 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: That makes sense because Asian women desperately try to make themselves white women also. Using fake means.

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Toki 5 months ago

Why should anyone produce more peasants for corpo slavery, Gov slavery, and streamers to target for e-begging? Tim is worried he's running out of slaves I guess but I doubt JP men are giving you money. They only care about waifu which is the high IQ move considering how terrible humans are to men.
Also the USSA commie military is still occupying their vassal state of Japan and simping for their females. Simping leads to whore culture. No real man wants a whore. They want purity like a waifu has. The Gov can't mess with your waifu. She won't vote or make stupid Tweets.
It's women who are screwed because without prostitution and Gov they have nothing. The Gov can't maintain the Daddy State expenses for much longer.
Birth rates mean nothing. It's a small island nation that's already far overpopulated. At the same time humans are replacing themselves with robots and AI lowering the demand for humans. This species deserves to fail for being so stupid. JP people are higher IQ though, especially men. They are smart enough to realize now that reproduction would be cruel to the child having to live under American occupation, their own taxes, plus paying taxes to the USSA Gov including the military enslaving them. You see it all came together when man created waifu and it spread. They overcame the hurdle of being blinded by the sex drive and love. Now that their biggest problem in life is resolved they can use their big brain 100% of the time. Makes all the difference. For example why should anyone go to real job when Tim and Timcast just play around like children online? Complaining about inflation and birth rates. OK so why don't you work and produce wealth instead of being a net consumer of wealth? Why do you give women a social media platform which raises their entitlement egos and lowers birth rates? While they also make free money for doing nothing.
I wonder why men wouldn't have to have kids with the average modern women which is basically Lydia? Lydia unmasked. That's every female on the inside waiting to unmask. JP women are tricky. They seem loyal and sweet until they got you. Then they become the dom and are as bad as American women. Why? Because you have those military bases over there spreading American Clown World. Captain Karen showing JP women how to get setup for Planned Parenthood. Paid for by JP men's taxes. Why mingle with evil people such as human females? They already ran through that USSA army barracks it's disgusting. Since caveman times females are just prostitutes and it can't last forever. Eventually the weaker gender dies to evolution. We will probably be mass-genocided by world Govs first though. While Hunter Biden collects all the women for harem again because females are disgusting.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

The funny thing about Japan, the region with the highest birth rate is where the largest naval base is at .. any wonder why its birthrate is high? I'll give you three guesses!? Okinawa... think there's a reason!?!

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Toki 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Because the soldiers are the simps who have the stolen wealth from the people. And females are hookers.

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