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Japan's Secret World War II Death Lab (2003)

Published on 01 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

Japan's Dirty Secret (2003): The truth about Japan's secret facility at Harbin, used to manufacture germs that infected and killed thousands of Chinese during World War II.

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Memories of Japanese war crimes continue to poison Japan's relations with its neighbours. Many Chinese are still suffering the effects of a vicious campaign of germ warfare.
"Our unit did things no human being should ever do," confesses Unit 731 member Yoshio Shinozuka. His unit developed the deadly pathogens which were used to infect 250,000 Chinese. Japan's refusal to apologise for its actions, or to acknowledge Unit 731's existence, has further upset its victims.

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ABC Australia - Ref. 1654

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Bullshit!! The NAZI Germans used Jews and ironically the "Real Germans" gypsies as human guinea pigs, especially with genetics...

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War is Bullshit and its the power mad killing the Powerless. Japan and Germany are not so innocent they played their part. The real scum are Evil Jews that are power hungry made and want the world to serve them the way they want.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Operation Paperclip? War trials?

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Damn... and they call us American rascists! (Well the minorities and the Jew overlords sure are.)

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Remember, there's a reason we dropped two nukes on them. Karma's a bitch and we paid it to Japan in full... If you learn about the Island Hopping fighting, you'd understand... to begin your journey if you're a newbie, start with The Naked and the Dead... I want to say Miller was the author? Maybe Norman?

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