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Jamie Freeman in the UK on the CV bug

Published on 27 Jan 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣Jamie Freeman was live.
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Here is the link to all hospitals/NHS trusts in the UK. Please send the following email to your local hospital.

Subject: Freedom of Information request
I am doing some research regarding Covid 19. Under the freedom of information act, I would like you to supply me with the following information:
How many people have died in your hospitals from Covid 19 alone? As in they died only due to Covid 19. I can see the figures that you publish online, but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test, so they could have died from other causes. I just want to know the exact figure from 1st February 2020 until the 20th December of people that have died due to Covid-19 and not anything else please.

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